Year after year we find clothes increasingly cheaper, find out why...

The year 2023 is marked by a recession in the world economies, many economists say no, but we are all witnessing a more expensive cost of living with the current inflation rates, just go to the supermarket and see products costing more than 50%, a lot due to the Ukraine war and the current Israel war.

But on the contrary, we see the prices of clothes still cheap compared to the current cost of living.

Let's compare:

  • the price of 1 kg of spaghetti pasta in 2022 cost 1 euro and in 2023 it costs approximately 1 euro and fifty cents.
  • the price of a women's dress which in 2022 cost 30 to 45 euros and in 2023 the price is almost the same, (prices from the 101 idées Fashion store).

The answer is in Fast Fashion, yes that's right.

What is Fast Fashion?
Fast fashion is a model of rapid clothing manufacturing where low quality materials and cheap labor are used to achieve affordable prices for the general public.

With increased competition, price has become increasingly relevant and in order to maintain a low price, someone somewhere in the world is working for very little.

The growth of Fast Fashion has been crazy, companies like Shein, Temu and others have forced clothing brands to adapt to the current market by doing something similar.

The consumerist world we live in has blinded us. What we don't see or know, we don't feel. We don't want to know where it came from or how it was made, we just want to know what the price is.

There is a contradiction, people demand salary increases, they are increasingly demanding and at the same time they resort to buying clothes that are cheaper than 1 kilo of meat.
So clothing brands had to reduce production costs, starting with the quality of raw materials.

As an example, in the past the clothing brand 101 idées Fashion and the clothing brand Desigual presented dresses with a lot of embroidery and applications and today we see dresses with prints, it is more than clear that this is due to being able to have cheaper clothing prices.

Let's be honest, how many times do we buy a piece of clothing that we only wear a couple of times.
It is undeniable that the main agent in the transformation of the fashion industry is the consumer himself, blinded by shop windows, promotions and trends, leaving aside all negative impact in exchange for glamour.

It is clear that humanity will pay dearly, the climate has given us warnings that we humans continue to ignore.

We, the company 101 idées fashion store, have tried to maintain the prices of clothing items by sacrificing our profits, but unfortunately the effective transport costs mean that the prices of heavier and bulkier clothing items suffer slight increases.

We continue to deliver our wonderful clothing to several countries around the world, Europe, United States, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Japan, Israel.